Event Planners

Give your conference attendees a keynote to remember!

Keynote Topics

Accelerating Client Engagement with Psychometrics
In this highly engaging keynote attendees will be introduced to the impact behavioral differences play on the client engagement experience. Very entertaining!

Bridging the Gap From Conflict to Consensus
In this insightful keynote attendees will be introduced to the three sources of interpersonal conflict and learn a four step conflict resolution model known as the ACRE Formula. Very insightful and immediately applicable!

Designing and Delivering the Perfect Pitch
In this inspiring keynote attendees will be introduced to a “whole-brain reasoning” presentation formula that convinces logically and inspires emotionally. Very insightful approach that immediately increases business win rate!


Gerald’s insight into the psychology of selling and customer service excellence is unrivaled. His experience training some of the largest and most successful real estate organizations, retailers and landlords in the world have provided him with wealth of insights, stories and industry best practices. Feel confident that your attendees will gain plenty of insight!


Great content is one thing. The ability to communicate it in a way that fully engages the audience is another. Gerald has a unique ability to immediately capture his audience’s attention and hold it by involving them mentally, emotionally and “yes” sometimes physically. Feel confident that your attendees will be fully engaged!


Insight and engagement alone is meaningless if your attendees leave the session uninspired to take action. A truly successful keynote can be measured by the number of key learnings that make it from the workshop to the workplace. Feel confident that your attendees will leave inspired to apply what they’ve learned!

Conference Attendee Comments

“Gerald really is in a league of his own, a genius … Brilliant, defined by the fact I learned so much and wanted to keep learning.”

“Gerald Clerx is world class! His style of delivery is very easy and the content is bang on!”

“Gerald Clerx is amazing. Engaging, motivating and makes everything so clear and easy to understand and implement. I think he is one of the best presenters and most effective communicators I’ve ever seen.
Third time I have seen Gerald and by far he is the best trainer I have experienced.”

“I learn something new every time.”

“The man is a genius. Gerald is one of the best, most relevant presenters I’ve ever listened to. Fantastic to hear him speak.”